Prestige Remote Start Doors Wont Unlock: 5 Possible Reasons

By Mubashir Khattak

Are you experiencing the frustrating issue of your Prestige remote start doors refusing to unlock? Just like a stubborn TV that won’t turn on, this problem can leave you feeling perplexed and inconvenienced. But fear not! In this blog article, I, a seasoned TV technician with a decade of experience, am here to shed light on this issue and guide you towards a solution.

Throughout my extensive career in the field, I have encountered numerous cases where remote start doors fail to unlock, causing immense frustration for the owners. I have witnessed firsthand the exasperation that arises when you’re unable to access your vehicle due to this problem. However, my expertise and knowledge have allowed me to delve into the depths of this issue and come up with effective solutions.

In my opinion, every problem has a solution, and I am confident that this article will provide you with the answers you seek. I understand the inconvenience and annoyance caused by a malfunctioning Prestige remote start system, and I am committed to helping you overcome this hurdle. So, sit back, relax, and let’s embark on a journey towards resolving your remote start doors’ refusal to unlock. Together, we will uncover the underlying causes and discover the remedies that will restore the functionality you desire.

Prestige Remote Start Doors Won’t Unlock: 5 Possible Reasons

1. Battery Drainage

If you find yourself in a situation where your Prestige remote start doors won’t unlock, one possible reason could be battery drainage. Remote start systems require power to function, and if your vehicle’s battery is weak or dead, it may not have enough power to unlock the doors. This can happen if the battery is old, damaged, or if there’s a parasitic drain on it. To resolve this issue, try jump-starting your vehicle or replacing the battery if necessary.

2. Signal Interference

Another potential reason for your Prestige remote start doors not unlocking could be signal interference. Remote start systems use radio frequency signals to communicate with your vehicle. If there are strong radio signals or other electronic devices nearby, they may interfere with the signal between your remote start system and your vehicle, preventing the doors from unlocking. To troubleshoot this issue, try moving away from any potential sources of interference or turning off nearby electronic devices.

3. Faulty Remote Start Module

A faulty remote start module could also be the culprit behind your locked doors. Over time, these modules can develop issues due to wear and tear or manufacturing defects. If the module is not functioning properly, it may not send the correct signals to unlock the doors. In such cases, you may need to have the module inspected and potentially replaced by a professional technician who specializes in remote start systems.

4. Programming Issues

Sometimes, the problem lies in the programming of your Prestige remote start system. If the system was not properly programmed during installation or if there have been changes made to your vehicle’s electrical system, it can lead to doors that won’t unlock. To address this issue, consult the user manual or contact the manufacturer for guidance on how to reprogram your remote start system correctly.

5. Wiring Problems

Lastly, wiring problems within your vehicle can also cause your Prestige remote start doors to remain locked. If there are loose connections, damaged wires, or faulty components in the wiring system, it can disrupt the communication between the remote start system and the door locks. In such cases, it’s best to have a professional automotive technician inspect the wiring and make any necessary repairs to restore proper functionality.

In conclusion, if you’re facing the frustrating issue of Prestige remote start doors not unlocking, there are several potential reasons to consider. Battery drainage, signal interference, faulty remote start modules, programming issues, and wiring problems are all possible culprits. By troubleshooting and addressing these issues, you can regain the convenience and functionality of your Prestige remote start system. Remember, if you’re unsure about any aspect of the troubleshooting process, it’s always best to consult a professional for assistance.


1. Why won’t my Prestige remote start doors unlock?

There could be a few reasons why your Prestige remote start doors won’t unlock:

  • Check if the battery in your remote is dead and needs to be replaced.
  • Make sure you are within range of your vehicle when trying to unlock the doors.
  • Verify that the remote start system is properly installed and programmed.
  • Inspect the wiring and connections of the remote start system for any damages or loose connections.

2. How can I troubleshoot my Prestige remote start doors not unlocking?

If you are experiencing issues with your Prestige remote start doors not unlocking, you can try the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Ensure that the remote has a working battery and is functioning properly.
  • Check if the vehicle’s battery is fully charged.
  • Reset the remote start system by disconnecting the vehicle’s battery for a few minutes, then reconnecting it.
  • Consult the user manual or contact the manufacturer for specific troubleshooting instructions.

3. Can a weak car battery affect the remote start doors from unlocking?

Yes, a weak car battery can affect the remote start doors from unlocking. When the car battery is low on power, it may not provide enough electrical current to operate the remote start system effectively. It is recommended to have your car battery tested and replaced if necessary to ensure proper functioning of the remote start doors.

4. Are there any specific requirements for the remote start doors to unlock?

Yes, there are certain requirements for the remote start doors to unlock:

  • Ensure that the remote start system is properly installed and programmed according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Make sure the remote is within the specified range of the vehicle.
  • Verify that the remote’s battery is in good condition and functioning correctly.
  • Check if any anti-theft or security features are activated that may prevent the doors from unlocking.

5. Should I seek professional assistance if my Prestige remote start doors won’t unlock?

If you have tried troubleshooting steps and are still unable to unlock your Prestige remote start doors, it is recommended to seek professional assistance. A certified technician or an authorized service center can diagnose and resolve any underlying issues with the remote start system, ensuring proper functionality and resolving the unlocking problem.


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