Lg TV Wifi Wont Turn On: 5 Possible Reasons

By Mubashir Khattak

Are you frustrated with your LG TV’s WiFi not turning on? We’ve all been there, eagerly trying to connect our TVs to the internet for a seamless streaming experience, only to be met with disappointment. But fear not, because I am here to help you troubleshoot and find a solution to this common issue.

Let me introduce myself, I am a TV Technician with a decade of experience in the field. Over the years, I have encountered numerous cases where LG TVs have encountered WiFi connectivity problems. From my experience, I can assure you that this issue is not uncommon, and there are several potential reasons why your LG TV’s WiFi won’t turn on.

In this article, I will guide you through some troubleshooting steps and share my insights on what might be causing the problem. Together, we will explore different possibilities and find the most suitable solution for your specific situation. So, sit back, relax, and let’s dive into the world of LG TV WiFi connectivity issues, because by the end of this article, I am confident that you will have the knowledge and tools to get your TV back online.

How to Troubleshoot: LG TV WiFi Won’t Turn On


Have you ever experienced the frustration of trying to connect your LG TV to WiFi, only to find that it won’t turn on? This can be a perplexing issue, but fear not! In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this problem and provide you with some troubleshooting steps to get your LG TV back online.

1. Power Supply

One of the primary reasons why your LG TV’s WiFi won’t turn on could be a power supply issue. Check if the TV is properly plugged into a working power outlet. Ensure that the power cord is securely connected to both the TV and the outlet. Sometimes, a loose connection can prevent the TV from turning on and accessing the WiFi feature.

2. Firmware Update

Another common culprit for WiFi connectivity issues is outdated firmware. LG frequently releases firmware updates to enhance the performance and address any bugs or compatibility issues. Access the TV’s settings menu and navigate to the software update section. Check for any available updates and install them if necessary. Updating the firmware can often resolve WiFi-related problems.

3. Network Settings

Sometimes, incorrect network settings can hinder the WiFi functionality of your LG TV. Access the network settings menu on your TV and ensure that the WiFi option is enabled. Double-check the SSID (network name) and password you entered, making sure they are correct. Additionally, verify that your WiFi router is functioning correctly and within range of the TV.

4. Interference and Obstacles

WiFi signals can be affected by various sources of interference, such as other electronic devices or physical obstacles. Check if there are any devices near the TV that might be causing interference, such as cordless phones, microwave ovens, or baby monitors. Try moving these devices away from the TV or turning them off temporarily to see if it resolves the issue. Additionally, ensure that there are no physical obstacles blocking the WiFi signal, such as thick walls or furniture.

5. Reset Network Settings

Resetting the network settings on your LG TV can often help resolve WiFi connectivity problems. Access the TV’s settings menu and navigate to the network settings section. Look for the option to reset the network settings and confirm your selection. After the reset, re-enter your WiFi network information and check if the WiFi turns on successfully.

6. Contact Customer Support

If you have tried all the troubleshooting steps mentioned above and your LG TV’s WiFi still won’t turn on, it may be time to seek assistance from customer support. LG’s dedicated support team can provide you with further guidance and potentially arrange for a technician to inspect your TV for any hardware-related issues.


Experiencing difficulties with your LG TV’s WiFi not turning on can be frustrating, but by following these troubleshooting steps, you can often resolve the issue. Ensure a proper power supply, update the firmware, check network settings, eliminate interference, reset network settings, and if all else fails, reach out to customer support. Stay connected and enjoy seamless WiFi connectivity on your LG TV!


1. Why is the Wi-Fi on my LG TV not turning on?

There can be several reasons why the Wi-Fi on your LG TV won’t turn on. Some possible causes include:

  • Weak or unstable Wi-Fi signal
  • Incorrect Wi-Fi settings or password
  • Software or firmware issues
  • Hardware malfunction

2. How can I troubleshoot the Wi-Fi connectivity issue on my LG TV?

To troubleshoot the Wi-Fi connectivity issue on your LG TV, you can try the following steps:

  • Check if other devices can connect to the same Wi-Fi network successfully.
  • Ensure your LG TV is within range of the Wi-Fi router and there are no physical obstructions.
  • Restart your Wi-Fi router and LG TV.
  • Verify that the Wi-Fi settings on your TV are correct and enter the correct password.
  • Update the software or firmware of your LG TV to the latest version.
  • Contact LG customer support for further assistance.

3. Why does my LG TV’s Wi-Fi keep disconnecting?

There are a few possible reasons why your LG TV’s Wi-Fi keeps disconnecting:

  • Interference from other electronic devices or neighboring Wi-Fi networks.
  • Weak Wi-Fi signal or range.
  • Outdated software or firmware.
  • Network congestion or bandwidth limitations.
  • Hardware issues with the TV’s Wi-Fi module.

4. Can I use an Ethernet cable instead of Wi-Fi for internet connectivity on my LG TV?

Yes, you can use an Ethernet cable to connect your LG TV directly to your router for internet connectivity. This can provide a more stable and reliable connection compared to Wi-Fi. Simply connect one end of the Ethernet cable to the LAN port on your TV and the other end to an available LAN port on your router.

5. How can I improve the Wi-Fi signal strength on my LG TV?

To improve the Wi-Fi signal strength on your LG TV, you can try the following:

  • Ensure your TV is within range of the Wi-Fi router.
  • Remove any physical obstructions between the TV and the router.
  • Position the router in a central location and away from other electronic devices.
  • Consider using a Wi-Fi range extender or mesh network system to enhance coverage.
  • Upgrade to a higher-powered router or one with better Wi-Fi capabilities.


Lg TV Wifi Wont Turn On

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